Installations of work from 3 Minutes to Midnight exhibited as part of Canon! with Hymodernity and Frieze and as part of Lovely View at Way Out East.

The project takes its starting point at the moment in 2007, when climate change was added as a factor affecting the Doomsday Clock. The Doomsday Clock was introduced in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and is a metaphorical, non-linear clock which represents scientists’ estimation of how close we are to global catastrophe. In 2007, the Bulletin expanded the clock to include climate change as one of the greatest man-made threats to humankind. At that point, the time jumped to 3 minutes to midnight.
The project will inhabit this temporality, the time of impending apocalypse, a time in fairytales associated with the breaking of a spell and a time that relates to our age commonly referred to as the Anthropocene; a time of great urgency and consequence. Research into Haraway’s articulation of the Chthulucene will inform the work along with a more focussed interrogation of multi-species survival with a particular focus on fungal networks and interspecies communication.
The project is funded by Arts Council England

Research as part of a residency with De:Formal Gallery.
Interview with De:Formal - https://www.deformal.com/artists/sophie-rogers
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Sophie Rogers.
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Sophie Rogers.
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